As you delve further into your personal finances looking for financial freedom, you need to make sure that you are incorporating the right investment strategies. Many different factors are going to come into play, and you have to make the right decisions for your situation. Continue reading to find out some helpful tips regarding your personal investments.
The very first thing you should be worried about is your liquid savings account. How much is in your savings account? You need to have at least 3 to 6 months’ worth of living expenses saved back in case of an emergency or unexpected expenses. This is your emergency fund. What happens if you lose your job? What if your car breaks down? All of these things that could happen won’t be budgeted out. For you to seek financial freedom, you have to have your emergency fund set up.
CDs have taken a hit in the recent past as far as interest rates are concerned, but they still pay a better rate than a savings account. You can get CDs through online banks that pay higher interest rates than other banks do. You should also look at bonds. Savings bonds are FDIC guaranteed as well, and they pay a fixed rate of interest.
People that like to invest in stocks for a higher interest rate and the excitement, yet don’t want all the risk, often invest in mutual funds. Mutual funds have fund managers and personnel that invest in different companies and sell shares of the mutual fund. You in turn, by buying one share of the mutual fund have part ownership in many different stocks. Good mutual funds can provide a serious rate of return on average, and this is a great way to diversify your portfolio.
Many financial advisers will tell you to hold off on investing in single stocks until you have thousands of dollars that you are comfortable with fluctuation occurring. However, many online brokerages allow you to buy and hold a little at a time starting with a small amount of money. If you do buy individual stocks, it’s a good idea to diversify here as well. There are many factors of diversification, including sector, size of company, dividend, and more.
Have you thought about investing in real estate? This can be a risky investment unless you know what you’re doing. Don’t just jump right in. Investigate the market, and start small.
One great way to balance out your portfolio is to invest in commodities. Buying gold is one recession-proof way to handle your investments. While the stocks in certain companies are going down, gold tends to rise. This can balance out your risk and become a big help.
There are many different types of investments out there, and you have to pick and choose what is right for you. Take into account your age, risk assessment, and needs to find an investment strategy that works for you. Set your plan into motion.